Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Electronic and Non Electronic Communication free essay sample

Electronic and Non-Electronic Communication For this assignment I will be: explaining what Tesco does, the scenario I have been put in, and then I will be doing two tables. There are for electronic and non-electronic communication. Tesco Tesco is a supermarket that sells mainly groceries. They have their own catalogue that sells furniture, appliances, mobiles etc. There’s a Tesco pet, car and house insurance linked to their Tesco bank. Members of Tesco Club card are given points for every pound they spend at Tesco. Telephone- this type of communication only |This method of communication can be used when|The customer would have given their telephone | |involves each other’s voices. This method of |confirming with a customer if they are at |number when registering to the Tesco website so| |communication is used when people cannot talk |home to receive an online delivery from |that they can be contacted about their | |face to face and are long distances away from |Tesco. |delivery. |each other. This is a faster way to get into | | | |contact with someone and it is easier than | | | |talking through written methods as speaking can|This method of communication can also be used| | |be put across in different tones and speeds. |when ordering products from the company’s |It is the most convenient way to order | | |distribution centres. supplies. Sending off the orders through the | | | |post will be time consuming. | |Fax- this type of communication sends text and |Faxes should be used to send business |Faxes are suitable for word processing data. | |images from one fax machine to another. Each |documents that are related to that |Forms that need to be filled out are also | |fax machine has its own telephone number. By |department. These would be: contracts, |suitable to be sent through fax machines. |sending a fax, you are sending text and images |receipts and forms. | | |to another fax machine, giving the person text |The fax machine will keep r ecords when the | | |and images on paper. A fax machine basically |document has been sent and numbers each page. | | |prints out the information that has been sent |Faxes will only be used between employees | | |to it. because it involves documentation. | | |E-mail- this method of communication is through|E-mails can be sent to customers to remind |Some customers have agreed to be contacted | |the internet. You can send e-mails to various |them of their delivery times, the amount of |about their Club card points and some haven’t. | |people within the business and other people can|Club card points they have and what they can |Only the customers that have permitted Tesco to| |receive the e-mail. Documents can be attached |do with them. |send e-mails can be informed of their Club card| |in e-mails. | |points and rewards through E-mail. | | |They can also be sent to employers to inform | | | |them of small changes in the business that |Each employee should have their own business | | |they should be aware of. e-mail or the business should have their e-mail| | | |address so that they can be informed of small | | | |updates, or topics of discussion for a meeting. | |Social Networking sites- these types of |This is mainly to see what customers want |Investors in Tesco will also be interested in | |websites allow people to communicate online |from the company and what offers are most |these forms of electronic communication because| |with each other. Businesses normally have their|popular. |they will be able to receive Tesco’s | |own profile or part in these websites so they | |performance and latest changes. | |are involved and can see their popularity |Tesco have a Twitter profile. People who | | |through the amount of ‘followers’ on Twitter or|follow them will be able to see Tesco’s |By being involved in these methods of | |‘likes’ on Facebook. latest offers, competitions and coupons. |communication Tesco can also observe what | | | |customers like or dislike by gathering data | | |Tesco also have a Facebook profile. Whoever |from likes or dislikes on an offer or new | | |likes their page can also see the latest news|service. | |updates, offers, coupons and competitions. | | |Non-Electric Communication |Audience | |Letters- these need to be sent through the post|Sending letters to employees will be time consuming but can be done if they need to be sent to| |to a specific person and addre ss |a different part of the business. | |Letters should be sent to customers informing them of: new services that they can take part | | |in, a new store that is near them, Tesco’s latest price drops and different ways they can use | | |their Club card points. | |Reports- these are fully detailed statements |These should only be done if they are requested by someone in the business. These reports will| |about a topic, place, idea or product. need to include an analysis of a topic within the business in order to see how the business | | |can improve in that area. | | |Employees and shareholders would be the audience for this. Employees will be the ones | | |requesting the reports in order to get an idea of what the business should improve on and what| | |is going well. Shareholders will be interested in this information because they would want to | | |see what Tesco’s is doing to make the business better. | |Face to face- this method of communication is |Face to face communication is used in all aspects of the business. Cashiers talk to customers | |used daily between everyone. |asking if they have a Club card, managers delegate jobs to other employees. Face to face | | |communication is used during meetings where improvements in the business are discussed. |Notice board- this is written information |A notice board is a place in a business where employees check what they should be doing for | |stating if there are meetings or arrangements. |that day. This would involve any recent changes for employees. This would be things like | | |emergency meetings or changes in timetables. Employees that work in store have flexible | | |timetables; they would look at the notice board to see if they have any extra hours. |

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