Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Change Management in Nursing Essay

Leadership is defined as influencing people to achieve a purpose or set of goals, but differentiating it from management causes confusion in many instances (Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead, 2004; Senior and Fleming, 2006; Robbins, Judge and Sanghi, 2009). Leaders can be managers but not all managers can be effective leaders, making leadership an important aspect of effective management (Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead, 2004). Several attempts have been made over the years to explain the characteristics of an effective leader. Trait, behavioural/style, situational-contingency and transformational theories are some of the theories that have been proposed to explain these characteristics (Yoder-Wise, 2003; Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead, 2004; Senior and Fleming, 2006). Goleman (2000) also used competencies of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social skills) to explain these characteristics. Nevertheless, none of these theories seem to adequately explain the characteristics that make an individual an effective leader. Yoder-Wise (2003) recognises followership as attitudes exhibited by individuals that the leader comes into contact with and explains that followers collaborate and act with the leader. Mahoney (2001) states that all nurses must acquire leadership skills since nursing leadership ranges from the staff nurse caring for a patient to a nurse in charge of a hospital. Nurses in clinical leadership positions collaborate with other leaders in the healthcare system to promote positive change (Touati et al., 2006). However, Antrobus and Kitson (1999) criticise nursing leadership for its lack of external focus (socio-political impact on health policies). They recommend that, in addition to the knowledge on issues related to nursing practice, potential leaders of nursing should familiarise themselves with social and health policies, management and research. Sutherland and Dodd (2008) identify that a lot of changes are occurring within the healthcare system, driving the need for leadership development. As a clinical leader in the making, a sound understanding of strategies for change management would prepare me as an effective leader. This is a reflective essay on how I set up a personal development plan to gain much insight on strategies for change management. The reflection is guided by Gibbs’s reflective cycle (1988 cited by Jasper, 2003). Although Cotton (2001) sees reflective practice in nursing as a problem, Durgahee (1996) identifies that nurses are able to perfect their actions when they examine their experiences through reflection and, consequently, become conscious of how different elements of care inform total professional nursing practice. The essay begins with a brief introduction of my background, and a description of issues that led me to focus on change management strategies in my personal development plan. It, then, follows with a reflection on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that I have and how these would influence my career in the future. The plan is presented, beginning with my learning objective and actions that I hope to take to meet my learning objective. The literature is then reviewed, followed by an appraisal of my organisation and how I plan to implement change. The last section describes my progress. Professional Background I graduated with a BSc. Nursing degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana in 2008. I practised at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), also in Ghana, as a general nurse for one year before enrolling at the University of Nottingham for MSc. Advanced Nursing. My responsibilities, as stated by the Ghana Health Service (2005), are to: Assess care needs of patients, develop and implement plans of nursing care accordingly Formulate, initiate and revise patient care as condition warrants Participate in ward rounds Allocate tasks based on skill of staff Supervise staff and students in the ward Evaluate nursing care and ensure continuity of care In the third year of my undergraduate course, I was one of three students selected for a twelve-week exchange programme in the United States of America. The goal was for us to experience healthcare system and nursing practice in the USA and effect positive changes in nursing and healthcare at KATH. Generally, students who participate in such programs develop themselves, learn differences between cultures, and are able to compare healthcare systems and nursing in the respective countries (Scholes and Moore, 2000; Button, Green, Tengnah et al, 2005). Judging from the exposure I had in the USA, I felt I could make a major impact on my colleagues upon my return. Exchange students, whether short-term (1 – 4 weeks) or long-term (more than 4 weeks), expect to have a positive influence upon their return to their home countries (Button et al, 2005; Carty et al, 2002). I developed myself, to an extent, as a result of participating in the exchange programme. This was confirmed by some of my colleagues. I, also, learnt some of the similarities and differences in culture, nursing practice and healthcare between the USA and Ghana. Notwithstanding, the overall purpose of having positive impact on my colleagues was not realised. I believe that lack of a strategy to effect the proposed changes as well as failure to collaborate with the other exchange students were the major reasons for the failure. I expect to develop a teaching package to delay the progression of chronic kidney disease among patients with diabetes as my Advanced Nursing Practice module project and implement it at KATH. I, also, hope to gain new ideas on patient care while I am in the United Kingdom. Upon my return to Ghana, I aspire to assume a nurse-educator role. This job would give me some influence over the training of nurses at KNUST and KATH. All these have led me to focus on change management in my personal development plan so as to make positive changes in nursing at KATH. I should be able to reflect on my strengths, weaknesses, any opportunities and threats that may influence my aspiration to effect some changes at KATH and Pearce (2007) suggests that using SWOT framework is a good way to do this. Therefore, using the SWOT analysis framework, I identified the following: Strengths I am committed to what I do I am good at motivating others I have good interpersonal skills I have good presentation skills Weaknesses I attempt to please everybody I am too lenient Opportunities I am studying with colleagues from different parts of the world I have other experience from abroad I am likely to become a nurse-educator at KNUST Threat Majority of the staff may see me as young and inexperienced to lead them Pearce (2007) suggests that once threats have been identified, there should be a way to handle them. By confidently demonstrating the experience gained, developing good interpersonal relationships and clearly presenting shared visions, majority of the staff are likely to collaborate with me (Martin, 2006). THE PLAN Learning Objective Needs assessment assists individuals to set clear learning objectives for their personal development plan (Holloway, 2000). Reflection on the exchange program reveals that I lack ideas on strategies and skills required to lead change within an organisation. Therefore, it is my primary objective to use this personal development plan to learn and develop strategies to lead change in the institution that I work in. Actions to Meet the Objective The Management Standards Centre (2004a) suggests that leaders must possess three kinds of knowledge and understanding to be able to lead change successfully. These are general knowledge and understanding (example is knowledge on models and methods for leading organisational change, their strengths as well as their weaknesses), sector-specific knowledge and understanding (example is knowledge on emerging developments in the health sector) and context-specific knowledge and understanding (example is knowledge on areas within the organisation that need change, with reasons and priorities). To lead change successfully, leaders must, also, be able to describe the change process within the organisation and how it affects the people within (Mott, 1996). Considering these, actions that I consider as appropriate for me to meet my objective are as follows; Review literature on change management within organisations; Perform an appraisal of the organisation that I work in; and Plan the implementation of the change. Main resources that are needed to undertake these actions are time and literature on leadership and change management within organisations. I should be able to achieve my objective within seven months and the outcome measure for me would be my ability to identify change management strategies that would best fit my organisational context. LITERATURE REVIEW Change Management within Organisations Change in organisations is inevitable (reactive) and desirable but, usually, complex and difficult to bring about (Sturdy and Grey, 2003; Bellman, 2003; Boshoff, 2005; Dzik-Jurasz, 2006). Yet, there are many a time when change is proactive (planned) – organisations make changes due to opportunities that they have to improve the workplace or their output (Dzik-Jurasz, 2006), and is also described as innovation. Change is very vital for healthcare institutions that seek to deliver quality and patient-centred care to its clientele, and nursing leadership is regarded as a linchpin for such changes to be successful (Dzik-Jurasz, 2006; Sutherland and Dodd, 2008). As a nurse aspiring to be a clinical leader, understanding the processes of change is, therefore, indispensable. Pettigrew, McKee and Ferlie (1988) state that leaders of change should focus on the content, the process, the context of the change as well as the successful regulation of the relationship between the three. They explain content as the specific areas where the change is expected to occur, and processes as the activities, expected reactions and interactions between the groups that seek to bring about the change. Context, as they explain, refer to internal and external factors that have influence over activities within the organisation. Lewin (1951 cited by Senior and Fleming, 2006) identifies three stages; unfreezing, moving and refreezing. At the stage of unfreezing, problems, needs or opportunities for change are identified, and the stage where new strategies or ideas are implemented causes individuals within the organisation to experience the change (moving). Finally, the stage of refreezing is reached when the change has been well integrated into the organisation (Yoder-Wise, 2003; Boshoff, 2005). Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead (2004), also, identify that change process is in four phases; description of the change, planning the implementation of the change, implementing the change, and integrating the change. Change starts when awareness of the need for it is created and ends when a complete evaluation of its expected effects has been done after the implementation (ibid). Lewin (1951 cited by Baulcomb, 2003) states that change is associated with certain forces that either facilitate or resist it; success would result when the forces facilitating the change exceed those that are resisting it within the context. Personnel within the organisation may be one of such forces. People resist change on the grounds of their psychosocial needs, the appropriateness of the change and, also, how the change affects their position and power (Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead, 2004). Therefore, they should be taken into consideration and be actively involved in the change process (Boshoff, 2005). Bennis et al. (1985 cited by Bellman, 2003) identify three strategies of change and these are rational-empirical, power-coercive and normative-re-educative strategies. Rational-empirical and power-coercive strategies both use top-down approaches while normative-re-educative approach employs a bottom-up approach. Top-down approach involves senior management generating the idea, planning and directly implementing the change while the bottom-up approach directly indulges the employees in the change process (Ryan, 2008). However, Ryan (2008) adds that top-down strategy alone is not effective for managing change at all times although it is very common under transformational leadership. Other strategies are education and communication; participation and involvement; facilitation and support; negotiation and agreement; and manipulation, cooptation, and coercion; and, dependent on the situation, these strategies may be used alone or in combination (Kotter and Schlesinger, 1979 cited by Yoder-Wise, 2003). It appears that the kind of strategy used would influence how the content of the change would be communicated to the parties involved. Action research is another change strategy and the process is said to begin when change is considered necessary (Bellman, 2003). Relevant data is collected systematically and reported to individuals who must act on it, after which plans are collaboratively formulated and the necessary actions undertaken – research and action combined (Senior and Fleming, 2006). The process is in five stages (diagnosis, analysis, feedback, action and evaluation) and is described as problem-focussed, and able to reduce staff resistance because of their active involvement in the process (Robbins, Judge and Sanghi, 2009). Organisational Appraisal Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) is the second largest teaching hospital in Ghana, training many doctors, nurses and other paramedics in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It is an autonomous service delivery agent under the Ministry of Health of Ghana (MOH, 2009a). In addition to training many of the health personnel in the Ashanti Region, many people within and outside the Ashanti Region seek healthcare there. As a result, provision of quality healthcare has always been the focus. An organisation that recognises the need for change, weighs costs and benefits, and plans for the change when the benefits outweigh the costs is ready for a change (Dalton and Gottlieb, 2003). KATH is, therefore, ready for change because some of its employees are sent overseas or to other parts of the country, whenever there is the need for a new skill or knowledge to be gained, to bring about a positive change within the hospital. This may be a factor that would facilitate my agenda to implement lead change within the institution upon my return. However, Ghana, as a country is underdeveloped (CIA, 2008). Therefore, financial support, many a time, becomes a difficulty. Another challenge may be the fewer nursing staff. The Ministry of Health (2009b) estimates that there was a nurse-to-population ratio of 1:2024 in Ashanti Region and 1:1451 for the entire country in year 2007. Planning the Implementation of the Change This is the second stage of the change process, as was identified by Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead (2004), and it involves identifying possible resistant forces to the proposed change and identifying strategies to prevent or overcome them. The change strategies to adopt as well as how to communicate the need for change are considered at this stage (Management Standards Centre, 2004b). Bellman (2003) suggests that the normative-re-educative (bottom-up) strategy is suitable for changing practice within nursing. As it appears in my case, the need for change would be driven from bottom (an employee) to top (management) and is likely to be supported by the nurses since it is coming from their colleague. Nevertheless, others may resist the change because they might not see the need for it (Baulcomb, 2003). But Martin (2006) suggests that a clear presentation of the vision and need for change may cause a majority of the staff to support it. Flower and Guillaume (2002) suggest that unfreezing stakeholders of healthcare is a necessity to unfreezing the institution. Stakeholders at KATH for my project include the Director of Nursing Services (DNS), the Deputy Director of Nursing Services (DDNS) for the medical directorate, and the head of the diabetic clinic. When these key people are made to recognise the need for a change, then hospital management is likely to support the proposed change. In times like these when evidence-based practice is being advocated for (McEwen, 2007), I should be able to use evidence to justify the need for a change. I, therefore, plan to undertake a study that would compare the teaching package that I hope to introduce with the current approach used at KATH. If the new teaching package proves to be relatively successful, then majority of the staff are likely to appreciate the need for it. Progress Reflecting on the exchange program, I realise that the idea of bringing about change in practice was not clearly communicated. None of the processes of change, as has been identified now, were known at that time neither was there a strategy or a plan for the change. Some changes are unsuccessful because they are not clearly defined (Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead, 2004) and that is exactly what happened. Although I am still working on developing the teaching package that may be different from what is already present at KATH, I now realise that its purpose and effectiveness should be well communicated to other colleagues and management before the idea would be supported. I have discussed my ideas with the Director of Nursing Service of KATH and the Deputy Director of Nursing Services for the medical directorate and both of them seem excited about my idea. However, I have come to understand that all kinds of change are likely to face some form of resistance from the people (Baulcomb, 2003; Tappen, Weiss and Whitehead, 2004). I therefore, hope to apply the normative-re-educative (bottom-up) strategy because it has been identified as suitable for changing practice within nursing (Bellman2003). I also believe that such a strategy would let my colleagues feel actively involved in the change process and, hence, support it. Moreover, I hope to gain new insights from my visits to some hospitals and my interactions with some specialist nurses while developing the project. I, therefore, hope to modify my plans and strategies, when the need arises, in order to become an effective change agent within my organisation. Conclusion Personal development plans assist individuals to focus on specific needs and steps to take to achieve their objectives (Floodgate and Nixon, 1994). This essay has assisted me to reflect on my practice and roles as a leader. Whenever there is reflection, there must be a change in perspective (Atkins and Murphy, 1993). Development of change management strategies was identified as my learning objective. Actions to meet this objective were identified and pursued. Gibbs’s reflective cycle (1988) was used as a guide. Consequently, I have become familiar with different strategies that could be employed to effect and lead change successfully, and plans to implement these in my institution have been proposed, although they are subject to change when new insights are gained.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leisure Essay Essay

Almost everyone has some kind of leisure time whether it is a couple hours or a couple days. What varies is the type of recreational activities people choose to do during that time. Although leisure and recreation is chosen based on ones unique individual interests, there are many sociocultural factors that influence the type of recreational activities we do, when we do it and how often we do it. These factors include political, religious, social, biological and many others. The sociocultural factor that is most dominant in influencing my leisure and recreation is the environmental factor. Environmental factors that influence my leisure include the locality or area that I live in, the weather/climate, and also the family culture I was raised in. These factors facilitate the leisure activities I am able to do and constrain certain activities as well. The economic factor also has some influence on my leisure and recreation. I find interest in many recreational activities but these factors have great influence on the activities I can do. When constructing my seven day time map, there were a lot of general patterns that I noticed in terms of when I do my daily activities. First of all, working out in the gym was one of my most regular recreational activities. I worked out at around the same time every afternoon, right after my morning university classes. On some occasions, after my work out, I played basketball and that was the only other physical activity I engaged in. Moreover, a lot of my leisure was used socializing at home with my family and watching movies with them. Other activities I did in my leisure was watch television, check my social media messages to keep in touch with friends, and watch games and highlights of the sports I follow. These are all indoor leisure activities which I have easy access too. In my time map some activities were ambivalent as to whether they were considered leisure or not. For example there are countless periods throughout the week where I engage in prayer. I do not deem this activity leisure because it is considered a religious duty or responsibility. Although my time map has periods of leisure, overall there is not much time for leisure and recreation as majority of my time is sacrificed for school. To sum up, my time map shows that many of my recreational activities are molded in distinct ways instead of being placed at random, which shows that there are many factors that influence my leisure. An environmental factor that has a big influence in constraining my leisure is Toronto’s cold climate. Before I came to Canada, majority of my recreation consisted of playing outdoor sports such as cricket and soccer. I no longer play those sports as the weather is too cold and unsuitable for those outdoor activities. One thing to note is that in Canada, encouragement for children to play sports is lacking and there has been a trend showing fewer and fewer children participating in sport since the 1990s (http://publications. gc. ca/collections/Collection/CH24-1-2000-1E. pdf? ). It could be possible that growing up in that kind of environment as a child influenced the lack of importance I give to sport during my leisure time. Many immigrants who come to Canada have to adapt and change their way of life, including what they do in their recreation (Khandor, 2011). Most newcomers slowly start assimilating to the sports that are popular in Toronto (Khandor, 2011). In Parissa Safai’s lecture on newcomers, she stated that the more younger the immigrant is when they arrive to Canada, the more easily they assimilate to Canada’s sport culture. When I came to Canada I slowly started playing basketball more and more every year because that was the best way for me to make friends and fit in to the new environment. Furthermore, during the winter months, basketball was the only sport I had access too because there were indoor courts available. These environmental factors inclined me to choose basketball as my main recreation in terms of competitive sport and now it is one of my favorite sports. It was hard for me to engage in my previous recreational activities because nobody enjoyed playing soccer or cricket. This constrained my choices in terms of what kind of recreational activities I wanted to do. Another factor that separated me from playing sports such as soccer and cricket were economic factors. During the winter season, the only way I could play these sports was if I joined the indoor leagues but these leagues were quite expensive. Coming from a middle class family, these extra expenses were hard to manage and sustain. Soon it became too much and so I had to quit and find other recreational activities to do in my leisure. Due to these various sociocultural factors, my involvement in certain sports was severely hampered while other sports such as basketball were immensely facilitated. Another environmental factor that really controls when I do my leisure is the area or locality where I live. I do not live in a prestigious area and thus there are many things lacking such as recreation centers and gyms. Your built environment influences how physically active you are because you are more likely engage in healthy recreational activities if they are close and easily accessible to you (Handy, Susan et al, 2002). As Professor Humana discussed in his lecture, your environment and community plays a big role in what kind of recreational activities you do and how frequently you do them. The closest gym to me is on my university campus, almost one hour away and the membership is also cheap. As a result, I tend to always do my weightlifting workout right after my morning university classes as shown on my time map. I know that if I commute home right after class instead of going to the campus gym, it becomes a lot more difficult to achieve that recreation later on. Waiting in the cold and taking the bus for one hour just to workout is a lot more unappealing and thus would drive me away from engaging in this recreational activity. Because I am already on campus, I realize naturally that it is my only chance to go to the gym and workout as there is no recreational facility around where I live. This space and environment factor encourages and facilitates me to take part in this recreational activity at that specific time. In addition, I have a close friend who also goes to the gym at around the same time and we always workout together. Whenever I go to the gym with him, workouts are done more efficiently and competently because we always motivate one another and push each other to the limit. Being in an environment where the workout is intense and done thoroughly gives me added incentive to go to the gym at that specific time. On top of that, I enjoy being in an environment where I am doing recreation with a friend as opposed to doing it by myself. These environmental factors, especially the locality/area factor, manipulate when I choose to do this type of leisure and facilitate how frequent I am in doing it. A good amount of my leisure time comprises of spending time with my family at home, whether it is watching a movie with them or just socializing. This recreational activity has a lot to do with the family environment I was raised in. Asian cultures tend to put a big emphasis on family obligation and having positive family relationships (Fuligni, Tseng, and Lam, 1999). In these cultures, a person’s value in society is measured by how strong their family bond, including their distant relatives (Fuligni, Tseng, and Lam, 1999). In my family culture, spending time with your family is important as it shows good etiquette and respect. Whenever my parents have leisure time they always spend it doing something with the family as opposed to going out with their friends or doing something on their own. My father has always had a tradition of bringing home movies for the whole family to watch together on the weekend. This gave me a family-first mentality so whenever I get leisure time, they are my first priority. As a child I have always seen this positive family atmosphere so it is natural for me to spend my leisure time with them. All in all, choosing to spend my leisure with my family is greatly facilitated by the environment I grew up in. One aspect of my recreation that is severely prevented because of environmental factors is the opportunities I get to socialize and go out with my friends. All my friends live out of walking distance from me so it takes quite a bit of travel to reach their places. The cold, winter environment makes it even more difficult for me to meet up with them and vice versa. Other environmental factors such as buses taking so long to arrive also make it hard to socialize or go out with anybody. Furthermore, there is a lot of construction around the area where I live and thus it is a long walk before I can get to any kind of transportation. In developing neighborhoods and areas the built environment are poorly constructed and thus there is minimal transport or transport is hard to access (Handy, Susan et al, 2002). The freezing winter weather, along with all these other factors really constrains my ability to socialize with my friends and go out. The only times I am able to socialize with my friends are if we meet up right after our university classes. In addition, sometimes economical factors also constrain my ability to socialize with my friends. Often times when my friends want to go out, the leisure activity requires a lot of money. Some examples include going to the movies, fancy restaurants, buffets, skiing and many more. I do not have a job and my parents do not think it is necessary to be spending so much money on leisure and recreational activities. As a result of all these many factors, I am restrained from going out with my friends and thus they are rarely part of my leisure activities. A big part of my leisure and recreation includes going on the internet. This includes all the social media sites such as twitter, facebook, skype and many others. Furthermore, it includes the various sports web sites I go on to see the highlights and get updated with the latest scores. Surfing the internet is a type of recreation that almost every student is familiar with. The amount of students that spend time on the internet has gone up at an exponential rate over the past five years (Aguiar, 2006). I believe there are many factors that lead me and many others to use our leisure time surfing the internet. Firstly, we live in an environment where the internet is accessible almost anywhere you go. You can access it through your cell phone, laptop or computer. Also, I do not live close to any of my friends and it is difficult to meet up with them in such cold weather conditions. In a way, this gives me incentive to go on these various social media sites so I can keep in touch with my friends and stay updated. In fact, statistical analysis shows that social media is by far the most popular sites that students visit on the internet (http://nces. ed. gov/pubs2006/2006065. pdf). I also use the internet to stay updated with my favorite sports. During the school year there is not enough leisure time to sit down for hours and watch sports games. With the internet available almost all the time, you can find out the score and watch quick highlights so you can still have some leisure in a work filled day. On the whole, with the cold winter environment keeping me indoors majority of the time, there is a lot more incentive for me to use an indoor activity such as the internet, during my leisure time. The cold weather climate also has influence on the remaining leisure activities I part take in. These activities include watching television, listening to music or just relaxing on my bed. What all these activities have in common are that they are indoor activities and easy to access. Of all the environmental factors, the climate had the greatest affect on my leisure. Although leisure and recreation may seem to be things that are done with a lot of freedom and agency, that is not the case. There are many hidden factors and circumstances that dictate what type of recreational activities you take part in and when your leisure time occurs. Because I was born outside of Canada, in a hot and humid country, I feel that environmental factors had the biggest and most glaring affect on my leisure and recreation. The patterns and frequencies of my leisure activities made me reflect on what factors facilitated some of my recreation. My inability to take part in some of the leisure activities I liked, showed me the factors that constrict some of my recreation. In conclusion, I learned that although we choose the type of leisure and recreation we participate in and enjoy, that too is influence by certain factors. References Aguiar, M.(2006). Measuring trends in leisure: The allocation of time over five decades. Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research. http://www. nber. org. ezproxy. library. yorku. ca/papers/w12082 Culture Statistics Program. 1998. Sport Participation in Canada. Statistics Canada. http://publications. gc. ca/collections/Collection/CH24-1-2000-1E. pdf? Fuligni, A. J. , Tseng, V. and Lam, M. (1999), Attitudes toward Family Obligations among American Adolescents with Asian, Latin American, and European Backgrounds. Child Development, 70(4), 1030–1044. doi: 10. 1111/1467-8624. 00075. Handy, S. L. , Boarnet, M. G. , Ewing, R. , & Killingsworth, R. E. (2002). How the built environment affects physical activity. American journal of preventive medicine, 23(2), 64-73. Khandor, E. (2011). The global city: Newcomer health in toronto. [Ebrary version]. Toronto Ontario: Toronto Public Health : Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services. http://celarc. ca. ezproxy. library. yorku. ca/cppc/232/232994. pdf MARCIVE-York University. 9/21/2006. Computer and internet use by students in 2003: statistical analysis report. http://nces. ed. gov/pubs2006/2006065. pdf.

Freedom of Information

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. 1BACKGROUND OF STUDY In a nation there are some fundamental elements that demonstrate the true existence of certain rights in such a society and these go a long way in showing that it is truly developed in every sense of the word. The level of a nation’s â€Å"maturity† depends on how well it fulfils these elements, one of which is Freedom of information. A government ought to be accountable to its people. Freedom of information has two sides namely, the freedom to convey information, and the freedom to access information.As such, it consists of press freedom and freedom to access any information by the general public. According to Hughes â€Å"the concept of freedom refers to a certain type of political empowerment. It refers specifically to equal empowerment. In other words, a free society is one with an equal distribution of legal rights and in which each and every person has as much legal rights as possible † (Hughes. , 2007). And the Oxford dictionary goes on to say define information as â€Å"Knowledge communicated concerning some particular fact, subject or event; that of which one is apprised or told; intelligence, news†.Freedom of information simply put, gives you the right to ask any public body for all the information they have on any subject you choose (â€Å"Freedom of information,† 2001). Having listened to so much talk about â€Å"freedom of information† it is indeed pertinent to carefully and deliberately look into the likely objects of the government at different stages or rather eras of press freedom in Nigeria and express likely views on the issue.The study will also outline importance of freedom of information, consequences and eventual support for or disapproval of freedom of information in the society, making comparisons of this in both military and civilian regimes from Nigeria’s independence till date. This will be the rationale of this study. According to artic le 19 of the universal human rights, every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, to hold opinions without interference and to convey or access information through any media. This study seeks to investigate the practice of this in Nigeria, at different points in time. . 2OBJECTIVES OF STUDY The major objectives of this research as previously mentioned in the background of study are: 1. To outline the freedom of information at different stages in Nigeria – the past, the present and the future of freedom of information going forward. 2. To look at the metamorphosis of freedom of information in Nigeria from its independence in 1960 till date. 3. To research and discuss the likely developments to be expected in this regard as well as where we are with freedom of information and bills being worked on. 4.To tender likely solutions to the problems and limitations of Freedom of information in Nigeria. 1. 3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The study is focused on exploring th e how freedom to convey, air and publish views or information affected us in the past, and how it has affected our growth as a nation. It also seeks to pin point the state of things with regards to the research topic, as well as prospects for the future. 1. 4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The research will answer the following questions: †¢What was the state of freedom of information in the country during the early stages of our independence? What was the state of freedom of information in the military era? †¢What was the implication of the level of freedom of information on the nation during that era? †¢What has been the state of freedom of information during the civilian era? †¢How has the state of freedom of information affected the growth of Nigeria as a nation? †¢What is the current state of freedom of information in the country? †¢What are the prospects and solutions to problems with freedom of information? 1. 5SCOPE OF STUDYThe study will examine freedom of information under press freedom and freedom of access to information by the public. It will examine this under such eras as, the military and civilian eras and will weigh the progress made over time, as well as make comparisons of both periods. The study will also outline the steps taken for or against the freedom of information with regards to press freedom and accessibility to information by the different administrations. It will examine the ways in which the government has affected freedom of information and how this has affected or will affect our growth as a nation. . 6RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research will make use of both primary and secondary sources of information. The primary sources to be used will include the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, statute books, law reports, journals as well as other relevant materials, pertaining to freedom of information. The secondary sources to be used are texts and other online materials written within and outside t he country, dictionaries and other materials that will aid in answering the research questions. . 7LITERATURE REVIEW The literature to be reviewed includes a number of journals, texts, as well as scholarly articles which are relevant to the study. The study seeks to develop on previous works by different authors and scholars. 1. 8CONCLUSION The study should conclusively after considering the pros and cons as well as development and implications of freedom of information fall in tune with the agitation of freedom of information or agree that indeed a limit should be rested on.It will also arrival on conclusions on the stand of the government, the press and the people on press freedom as well as solutions proffered to the problems of freedom of information. Work Cited Sveiby , K. (1994, October). Information in etymology. Retrieved from http://www. sveiby. com/articles/Information. html Freedom of information. (2001, SEPMTEMBER). Retrieved from http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/governmen tcitizensandrights/yourrightsandresponsibilities/dg_4003239 Hughes. , S. (2007, May). What freedom means to me. Retrieved from http://onlinephilosophyclub. com/definition-of-freedom. php

Monday, July 29, 2019

Reading and Studying Literature - Compare and Contrast Essay

Reading and Studying Literature - Compare and Contrast - Essay Example Wordsworth’s extract from the Prelude, and de Quincey’s extract from Confessions of an English Opium Eater have one feature in common: they both demonstrate a truly romantic sensibility. Beyond this central similarity, however, there are some major differences such as genre, national/international perspective, and proposed levels of social and moral behaviour which the â€Å"autobiographer† persona claims to embody. The Romantic movement was essentially a continental European phenomenon when it first emerged, through the works in French and German by writers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832). In Britain it flourished in literature first, and then later spread to music and other arts. It is seen in connection with some important developments in European history such as the Enlightenment, with its emphasis on scientific discovery, and the use of logic and reason to make sense of the world, and the Industrial Revolut ion, which saw a widespread move of populations from rural areas to the cities in search of work in factories which had begun to spring up. The French Revolution of 1789 was evidence of great changes in political understanding also. In some ways the Romantic movement was a reaction to these seismic events: a key characteristic of this period is that writers began to focus on â€Å"the powers and terrors of the inner imaginative life† (Watson, in Watson and Towheed, 2011, p. 3) In the Wordsworth text, the power of the inner imaginative life of the author is presented as something positive, sweet and pleasant, citing â€Å"visionary things, and lovely forms/And sweet sensations†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wordsworth, ll. 61-62). He speaks of the power of his own former years, (Wordsworth, l. 51) and depicts the task of capturing them in writing as a form of â€Å"honourable toil† (Wordsworth, l. 53). Wordsworth’s early life is presented as an idyllic scene, painted for the re ader under a shining sun, evoking strong emotions for their edification and enjoyment, in a timeless English countryside. De Quincey also aims to arouse the emotions of the reader, but in his text the emotions that he evokes are somewhat more extreme, and tinged with danger and excitement, since he mentions for example that be might â€Å"shock† his readers with the revelations that are to come. Both personas are presented as something out of the ordinary, in order to captivate the interest of the reader, and this also is a feature of the Romantic sensibility: â€Å"The idea of the writer as an original genius, an exceptional man ahead of his time, possessed by inexplicable, spontaneous, visionary inspiration, first became dominant in the Romantic period.† (Watson, in Watson and Towheed, 2011, p. 7) Both men introduce themselves to the reader as older, wiser individuals who have retired from their busy life to devote themselves to inner contemplation and recording thei r innermost thoughts about their own experiences. Wordsworth displays his academic credentials through lofty abstract terms such as â€Å"inquiry† (l. 55), â€Å"knowledge† (l. 57), and â€Å"judgements† (L. 59) while de Quincey finds it necessary to spell out the fact that he has been reading various very academic writers, and that he is â€Å"

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mobile Computing and Social Networks Term Paper

Mobile Computing and Social Networks - Term Paper Example On the other hand, mobile communication devices, once completely charged, are able to offer the similar working for 48 to 96 hours. Additionally, laptops and notebooks need a connection to a network for Internet access that is available at fixed site in working or living structure or wireless access points. Hence, these limitations make these systems and devices difficult to use and manage. On the other hand, mobile communication devices have a network connection access more than 99% of the time in approximately every region of developed nations (Goundar, 2011; Wyeth & MacColl, 2010; Draganova, 2009). This paper discusses some of the important aspects associated with mobile devices. This paper will discuss the impact of mobile devices in different areas of life. This paper also discusses any issues linked with the use of mobile devices. This paper will discuss the factors that need to be considered by mobile application developers while developing these applications. A few years ago having a cell phone was believed to be a social status symbol. At the present the system has been marketed as a need that we all need to carry out different tasks all through the day. Additionally, in the past the size of the telephones was extremely huge and they were kept in peoples automobiles. No one ever appeared to talk about wireless plans, or the potentials of their telephones. The simple question people discussed was, why did we bring our cordless telephone to the job? That appeared to be the simplest other time somebody actually saw a phone with that look. Now telephones have taken the shape of a great more innovative technology as they appear in various versions such as PDA, iPod, and iPhones. This century has seen the successful inventions and implementations of numerous technologies. These technologies have not only changed the way we live but also modernized them. Additionally, the new evolutionary technologies have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ecology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Ecology - Case Study Example The expected time of extinction is approximately 1400years. 6. What would T(N) be for the killer whale population at its largest and smallest sizes? If a population grows just by chance, does this mean that its prospects for long-term survival improve? Assume that the sample standard deviation of r in the spreadsheet accurately estimates the underlying value of S. 7. If this were always the case, why should we be worried about small populations? Under what conditions might you expect a population not to increase when reduced to low population size? This certainly has been the case for many endangered species that have gone extinct or now teeter on the edge. Do some populations simply not â€Å"have what it takes† to maintain healthy levels? Few fertile males à ·if a population contain only a few fertile males, the rate of growth will be low since only a few females will be fertilized. This will lead to few births than deaths, hence the population will approach extinct

Friday, July 26, 2019

Australian Industrial relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian Industrial relations - Essay Example However, industrial relation examines several employment situations. This essay will describe three major approaches or perspectives of industrial relations like unitarism, pluralism and radicalism. Unitarism highlights the organization as the rational team united by several common purposes. On the other hand, pluralism observes the organization as the amalgamation of various homogeneous groups within different kinds of dynamic equilibrium (Wilton, 2013). Lastly, radical perspective depends upon the class conflict and class analysis in a particular society. Several authors have stated that an organization is perceived as the harmonious and integrated corporation under the unitarism perspective. In Unitarism, the management and employees work collaboratively for a common purpose. In terms of Australian industry relation, majority of the industries follow paternalistic approach in under the unitarism perspective. This approach demands the loyalty of all the employees. Consequently, several trade unions are believed as unnecessary as the loyalty between the organizations and employees are measured mutually exclusive. In this situation, both these parties cannot be considered as the two separate sides of the industry. In unitarism, conflict is generally perceived as the pathological and disruptive result of interpersonal functions, communication breakdown and agitators. In pluralism perspective, the organizations generally perceived as being made up of divergent and powerful sub-groups (Lucas, 2004). All of these groups have own legitimate loyalties. Moreover, they individually set their objectives and select leaders. Particularly, management and trade unions are considered as the predominant sub-groups. In this pluralism perspective, the management of the organization does not heavily focus on the controlling and enforcing. The management try to focus on the co-ordination and persuasion. Trade unions are

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Money and capital market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Money and capital market - Essay Example This form of policy gives the bank an opportunity to avail massive liquidity. This policy is very effective in addressing frozen liquidities that are experienced across the globe especially in the United States of America where money transfer between banks has been witnessed during a financial crisis. This is a step to mitigate the effects liquidity shortage could have as far as solvency problems is concerned. Liquidity policy response is also beneficial in many ways. It does not only offer solutions to short term money problems in market rates. It also helps to ease pressures at the markets as far as funding is concerned. This is a step towards ensuring that funds are supplied for long term benefits as well. Further, central banks help by enlarging the eligibility base as far collateral lending is concerned. In exceptional cases, central banks increase their lending bases to non depository financial institutions and banks as well (Stein, 2011, p. 4). Finally, central bank uses the l iquidity response policy to establish felicities for lending to enhance the market repose between banks. Liquidity response policies to the economic crisis have been seen to be essential in nurturing good communications among different countries of the world. In addition, central banks have also assisted many institutions within a country as far as emergency assistance concerning money is concerned. Swapping of money among banks has been also witnessed in Europe in 2011 in response to an economic crisis within the European Union. Monetary policy response also helps to determine the levels of interests’ rates. Subsequently; good interest’s rates create stable prices in an economy. For example in 2011, European countries adjusted the interest’s rate of their currency to avoid financial crisis. This way, the frameworks under which markets operate become favourable (Monetary policy report, 2011, p. 2). In addition, the decisions are transmitted to financial markets, as well as the actual economy, which increases the efficiency of the economy. Central banks have responsibilities to adjust the policies related to money to prevent the risk of economic instability. This way, the monetary policies are very important in dealing with problems related to inflation as the macroeconomic environments are usually kept in stable conditions. Ultimately; the possibilities of the financial crisis are greatly reduced. Fiscal policies are also handy in addressing economic policies. This is usually seen by the initiatives a particular government puts into place so as to deal well with the financial crisis within a nation. Fiscal policies are suitable in propagating a real economy from an economic crisis (Miriam, 2011, p.3). This form of policy involves a lot of interventions by the government in addressing the challenges an individual institution faces as far as the financial crisis is concerned. Other initiatives are also taken by governments so as to boost dom estic economies. Improving housing markets; for example, is very useful in boosting the local economies. In addition, supporting the growth of domestic industries rather than the individual ones is also a step towards increasing the growth of domestic economies in Australia as at 2012. Finally; monetary policies reforms as a way of dealing with the financial crisis are one of the options that are necessary. Such reforms can restore confidence within markets resulting into a financial

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Wow Factor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Wow Factor - Essay Example The themes that run throughout the article are interaction and a good story line. These may not be revolutionary, but it reminds us of the possibilities we have to relate information to children. The demand placed on teachers to improve math performance at an early age has brought with it unique approaches. Learning the basic concept of numbers at an early age can greatly facilitate the mastering of math at a later date. There is definitely a need to incorporate math into the variety of other subjects that we present to children. A child develops an interest in a number when the number becomes a character. As the story unfolds, the number is presented in a scenario that other numbers interact with, or present a problem that demands a solution. The child gets this intuitively and garners knowledge of the concept of numbers. When confronted with mathematics, they will have the mental picture and an understanding of the relationship that numbers have. It will aid in their ability to format a problem in a context that makes sense to them, and gives them a foothold in creating possible solutions. This approach to how children learn places a responsibility on the classroom teacher to be creative in their approach to education. As teachers, we need to remain cognizant of the fact that different children learn in different ways.

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) - Term Paper Example Mostly, Electromagnetic Radiation is in the forms of waves. These waves include: Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, X- rays and Gamma-rays (Mattson). The magnetic and electric fields resulting in the electromagnetic waves interact by coming together at right angles to each other and these combined waves move perpendicular to both electric and magnetic oscillating fields and as a result, the disturbance is caused (Nikita , Kevin and Mateo). The resulting electron radiation is released in bundles of light energy which travel at a speed of 299 792 458 m / s, equivalent to the speed of light, as quantized harmonic waves. This electromagnetic waves are grouped according to their wavelength and the this results in the electromagnetic spectrum. The resultant magnetic and electric waves move perpendicularly to each other having certain characteristics which are Amplitude, frequency and wavelength. Features of Electromagnetic Radiation Wavelength The movement of the electromagnetic waves is in form of patterns. The distance that exists between two peaks is the wavelength of the wave. The wavelength of a waveform is measured in meters. This is illustrated in the figure below. Frequency Frequency can be defined as the number of oscillations of the wave per unit time. The frequency of waves is not constant, it varies and the variation greatly depends on the type and nature of the electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of a wave is measured in Hertz. The wave can have high frequency or low frequency as indicated in the diagram below. The frequency is related to the wavelength by the dispersion relation is given by: Where  the wavelength and c is the propagation speed Amplitude Amplitude refers to the characteristic height of the wave. Amplitude is a measure of the intensity of the wave and is measured in meters. The amplitude of an electromagnetic radiation is given by Where  Refers to the electrical amplitude,  is the wavelength and c is the propagation speed. Characteristics of electromagnetic Radiation Interference This is the process in which two waves superposes to form one resultant wave. For interferenc e to occur, the source of the waves must be coherent. If two electromagnetic waves having the same frequency get together i.e. they superpose, it results into a wave which has the resultant magnetic and electric field strength equal to the sum of fields of the two waves. When two strong waves moving that have their fields moving in one direction, i.e. same direction in time and space, the resulting waveform is twice that of each individual waveform (Encyclop?dia Britannica Online). This results in constructive interference. However, the superposition of a wave having an electric field in one direction in space and with another electromagnetic radiation wave which has the same frequency but with an electric field in the opposite direction in space and time results in cancellation and a result, there is no formation of a waveform (Encyclop?dia Britannica Online). This implies that the two waves are not in phase. The resultant effect is termed as destructive interference. In summary, s uperposition of waves results in destructive, constructive or partial interference considering the magnitude of the waves being superposed. If two monochromatic waves described by And Then The value is responsible for the interference process. If then the resultant interference is constructive If Then  If Then the interference is a destructive interference. Diffraction When electromagnetic waves come onto obstacles, they are diffracted. Diffraction is the process by which the waves bend around obstacles. This can be illustrated as in the diagram be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Summarize DREAM Act or Arizonas SB 1070 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarize DREAM Act or Arizonas SB 1070 - Essay Example This particular discussion intends to provide a comparative standpoint about the DREAM Act developed by the government of the US. Furthermore, the essay will also summarize the Act and discuss the same in alignment with numerous elements or dimensions. In general, the Dream Act provides permanent residency and other amenities to the illegal immigrants of the US. These particular benefits are provided to the people against certain grounds that must be mandatorily fulfilled. Notably, there exists a huge figure of people who resides in the nation for acquiring proper education for them or serving in the defense sector. However, despite of their contribution, they always hold the fear that they will be deported any time from the nation. In this regard, the DREAM Act ensure that these people gets amnesty for residing in the US, owing to which they will be liable to get education loans, tuition fees sponsored by the government and reduction of school fees (Immigration Policy Centre, â€Å"The Dream Act†). As per a particular case, a young boy named Reyna Wences from Mexico, has been dealing with the problems of getting proper identity for himself in the US, despite of spending much of his childhood and adulthood days in the country. Though moving to the US was a decision of his parents, he never complained about the same. However, he was aware of the fact that he will never be able to get fully involved within the American society owing to his immigration status. The DREAM Act proposed in the year 2009 certainly provided a ray of hope for him to get identity as a proper American citizen (Wences 504-506). The DREAM Act has been proposed with the aim of ensuring legal liability to undocumented immigrants. It acts as a reward of legal rights to the undocumented immigrants, as they are residing in the nation for a longer period without enjoying any of the basic amenities offered by the government.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How To Move Past Cultural Elements Essay Example for Free

How To Move Past Cultural Elements Essay There are two ways in which cultural elemental change must be supported. The first is in the manner of executive support. This is not merely â€Å"yessing† the voiced suggestions of staff. Rather, it is though the changed behavior of the executive that staff will change is well. This is termed as behavioral support. Executives must model the behavior that they want to see in their subordinates. They must also follow the rules that they expect their workers to adhere to until that rule has changed. Help the team members achieve goals that are not only important to the team, but important to the individual team members as well. â€Å"Use every possible communication tool to build commitment and support for the big goal, your organization’s values and the culture you want to create† ( (Heathfield). Leadership is not proven by making unrealistic promises or brutal tactics in order to impress or intimidate. It is proven when an executive means what he says and does what he says. The second way in which cultural elemental change must be supported is the training of the support team. The executive cannot merely expect to perform without ensuring that they have the proper training. A support team cannot be expected to support without a clear interpretation of what is expected and desired of them. Here it is useful to create a value and belief statement that the entire team subscribes to. Change the reward structure and redesign the operational structure to reflect the new organizational culture that is coming in. Bibliography Heathfield. (n. d. ). How to Walk Your Talk, leadership in Action. Retrieved August 09, 2010, from Ask. com: http://humanresources. about. com/cs/managementissues/a/walktalk. htm

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Current Environmental Laws In The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay

The Current Environmental Laws In The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay Based on my research about the current Philippine Environmental Laws, I found out that it has two parts; first is the Presidential Decree no. 1586 or the Environmental Impact System which states that no projects shall be implemented without an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).In order for the government to find out if they are to issue an Environmental Compliance Certificate, an assessment should be done regarding the proposed projects impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment is defined as a procedure in order to find out and predict the impact of proposed projects to the countrys environment and to mens well being and health. This assessment is important in order for us to find out the resource allocation for the said project and determine the costs associated with environmental conservation. Once the Environmental Impact System has been approved an Environmental Compliance Certificate may now be given to the person in charge of the project and he may now proceed with the implementation of his project. The certificate is very important to have because it contains the terms and conditions that the person imposing the project should comply with. Failure to follow the conditions in the certificate may result to its suspension or cancellation, the person behind the project may be subjected to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand pesos (50,000Php). If the project is cleared and is now being implemented or started with, monitoring is usually done to make sure that they are complying with the conditions in the certificate and to observe the projects environmental impact. The second part of the Philippine Environmental Law is the Presidential Decree no. 984 or The Pollution Control Law, this is also known as the Pollution Control Decree of 1978 is a national policy that is aimed to prevent, avoid, and control pollution of water, air, and land for the more effective utilization of the resources in the country. This law also contains the re quirements or necessary standards needed to be followed in order to acquire a permit to build or impose a certain project that does not in any way affect the environment negatively. It also contains the provisions if ever there are penalties. Presidential Decree 984 focuses on; first, the Clean Air Act of 1999 which is a policy and program to maintain the air quality in the country. This is to bring all the citizens to cooperate and exert an effort to clean the air we breathe, and whoever will violate this act will be subjected to pay. The act primarily focuses on prevention rather than control, mainly because if we can prevent something bad from happening then it will be less burdensome in the near future. Preventing further damage to the stratospheric ozone layer is an example of this. This act sets standards for sources of mobile air pollution, those coming from vehicles like cars, trucks, vans, buses, jeepneys, tricycle, and motorcycles. Smoke stacks from industrial firms like h otels, power plants, and other establishments are also closely monitored. Aside from those mentioned, smoking, burning of garbage, and dust from construction are included. Second is the Clean Water Act of 2004, records say that as early as 1996 several tests were conducted and results showed that only 51% of rivers in our country are still usable, and the remaining 49% were already polluted due to domestic and industrial activities. That might not sound that much big of a deal until you realize that 31% of all sicknesses come from drinking or contact with dirty/polluted waters, diseases like cholera, amoebiasis, leptospirosis etc. Republic Act No. 9275 or the Clean Water Act of 2004 aims to protect the clean and remaining bodies of water we have left from pollution caused by discharges from human activities, factories in the industry, and other land based sources. It also states that all owners of companies or anyone who discharges wastewater are required to get a permit from the De partment of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) or the Laguna Lake Development Authority, all companies or industries that discharge wastewater and are in operation even with the said permit will have to pay a wastewater charge in order to discourage the companies from discharging wastewater and opt to invest in cleaner production and pollution control technologies, this will help decrease the number of pollutants generated and discharged. Third is the Solid Waste Management or Republic Act No. 9003, this act talks about a legal structure on how our country can have a systematic and ecological solid waste management system that will help in maintaining and protecting the environment and the peoples health. This act also provides programs for minimizing waste, and knowing how to properly dispose of our garbage, it advices the people to adopt the three Rs of Solid Waste Management; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Segregation is also mandatory in the following areas; households, instituti ons, industrial facilities, commercial/business establishment, and agricultural areas. They also prohibit open burning of solid wastes to avoid further damage to the atmosphere and pollution to the air. Last is the Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes or Republic Act No. 6969, they have several policies listed, one is to regulate, limit, and prohibit importation, manufacturing, processing, sale, distribution, use, and dispose of chemical substances this is done so that we can avoid unreasonable risk to the peoples health and of course to the environment, next is to prohibit entry and most especially disposal of hazardous wastes to the Philippines territorial limits and lastly, to conduct research on toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes. How are Hotel and Tourism Management students affected by the Environmental Laws? After reading a lot of things about the environmental laws in the Philippines I am now more aware of my surroundings and the things that need to be done in order to have a safe and clean place to live in. Having knowledge about the law is always a good thing because we become more careful in our actions. Some people are just not that knowledgeable about certain environmental issues thats why they tend to care less. Hotel and Tourism students are affected by these laws because we will be working in an industry that is very wide and vast, everywhere we go there is always accommodation and food, which means that we can start by applying what weve learned regarding the environment to our workplace, not to mention that hotels and tourists are a huge part of our countrys economy, we can make a huge impact because our industry is well known and is all over the world, it will be our job as aware students or future employees to help in applying or implementing ways on how we can help keep the environment clean and at the same time provide quality service to all our guests. Our course also deals with serving and having contact to people that avail our products and services, we can help these people contribute to the health of our surroundings by setting an example for them and providing service that not only is exceptional but also environment friendly. If we are lucky enough to become managers or even owners of our own hotels or travel agencies someday, then we can set goals and policies in our own establishments that comply with the environmental laws, without compromising our main goal which is to serve our guests well. How can hotel and tourism businesses help improve the current environmental situation? We are currently facing a lot of environmental issues in our country, from soil erosions, flashfloods, disappearing water sources, and air pollution to improper garbage disposal, illegal logging, and food poisoning caused by chemical wastes. These are just some of the many problems our country is facing today, as students and future employees to the industry of Hospitality and Tourism we can help in facing the current environmental issues by implementing certain protocols and policies in our work place. Installing water meters in every department (if possible) for example, is a good way to monitor the establishments water consumption, by doing so we can determine the monthly water consumption and cost of our workplace, if we are aware of this well know what department consumes too much water and necessary action will be taken immediately. Water saving devices like flow regulators, water flow sensors, and low flush toilets are just some of the things we can put in our comfort rooms an d kitchens to make sure that wasting water is at a minimal, and if observed thoroughly, no wastage at all. Leaks because of poor plumbing is also a cause of water wastage in a lot of homes and buildings, we must regularly maintain plumbing fixtures to make sure that no leaks will come up. Monthly inspection for drips and leaks in the establishment should be done be it at hotels, resorts, or restaurants. With regards to the kitchen/ Food and Beverage Department, using of dishwashers should only be done during the check out of the guests and washing of small kitchenware should be done by hand with the use of antibacterial soap, to help conserve water. Electricity is one thing that our industry consumes a lot, we use this to power up big hotels and casinos, help elegant restaurants operate, and keep the sense of having recreational places like theme parks, however, despite the benefits we get from using electricity, only a few of us realize its importance. Electricity is acquired by co nverting energy released from burning fossil fuels, as consumers continue to use huge amounts of electricity every day; its very likely that all the fossil fuels around the world will soon run out. Conserving energy in our homes and business establishments can help preserve fossil fuels, for example, installing electricity meters in every department to monitor monthly energy consumption to avoid increasing electric bills will have a huge impact given the fact that a lot of hotels, resorts, and restaurants use a lot of electricity. Using energy efficient appliances and light bulbs in high consumption areas, and turning them off when not in use can also be done to avoid high energy consumption. For resorts and hotel room, they can use solar panels to heat water for the guests, by doing so this can save up to 40% of energy cost. Hotels, Resorts and Restaurants produce large amounts of solid and liquid wastes these wastes end up scattering in the environment due to poor or inadequate wa ste management and handling, therefore it is a must to implement strategies and programs to minimize wastes and to apply the three Rs; reduce, reuse, and recycle. Segregating wastes is a very basic step in waste management; this is helpful to the environment because if we are able to determine the biodegradable ones from the non biodegradable then we can determine the best way to safely dispose of the waste. If we are purchasing products that we need to operate our establishment, the first thing we should keep in mind is to choose products that are least polluting and most sustainable, by doing so we can avoid the risk of contributing to the pollution in our country, and because its sustainable we can benefit from it for a longer period of time without having to dispose the product after several uses, thus helping minimize wastage in our establishment. In restaurants or other food establishments, instead of using disposable containers like Styrofoam which not only takes a long time to decompose but can also have negative effects to our health, they can use reusable lid containers that are very environment friendly and can be reused. Hotels purchase huge amounts of detergents, bleach, and other chemicals used in the laundry and lavatory area, if possible they should collect the empty chemical containers and send them back to the manufacturer so that it can be used again instead of piling up bottles of detergents etc. and just throwing them anywhere, or worse some people even burn them, aside from this they can just refill the bottles instead of buying new ones. They can also help save the trees by controlling the usage of paper in their offices and homes, for example, if possible they can simply use email to send documents from one establishment to another, instead of printing them out. For used or scrap paper, reusing the back side can also help in reducing the use of clean, unused paper. We should also avoid the use of aerosol sprays like some air fresheners that damage our ozone layer, choosing sprays that do not use propellant gas is our best bet. Another very important thing that hotel, resort, and restaurant builders can do is to stop putting up their establishments in places with natural wildlife and in places where cutting down hundreds of trees is necessary just so they can earn profit. Sources:

Luke Presents Jesus As The Divine Saviour Religion Essay

Luke Presents Jesus As The Divine Saviour Religion Essay The purpose of this essay is to look into the work and life of Jesus Christ while on earth as portrayed by each of the Gospels. Though each of the gospels presents a full picture of the person of Christ however, there is a distinction between the four. Each of the writers presents Jesus in his own way, in terms of audience, theme, and focus. The Gospel of Matthew was  [1]  written around 50-60AD in Palestine, before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD (Matt 4:5, 27:53). Although the specific date for the book of Mark is uncertain, scholars date it to be written around 49s 60s AD, and believed to be the first Gospel written. The Gospel of Luke was written between 60 65AD while the Gospel of John was dated about 90s. Theme Matthew presents  [2]  Jesus as Messiah. Mark presents Jesus as Servant of God, Luke presents Jesus as the Divine Saviour, and John presents Jesus as the Son of God. Audience Matthew writes his gospel to the Jews. He sought to convince the Jews that Jesus is the promised messiah and king, which was fulfilled through repeated prophecy in the Old Testament. Mark writes to the Roman audience, who were not  [3]  religious, neither philosopher like the Greek. Luke writes to a Greek audience, who were very religious, philosophical, and great thinkers. His two literal classical books, book of Acts and Luke were written to Theophilus a high ranking Greek noble man and other Gentile Christians (LK 1:3, Acts 1:1). The gospel of John was written to all Christians. Background to the Gospel The book of Matthew was placed first as an introduction to the New Testament because it bridge gap between the Old and New Testament. Written in Greek for Jewish believers but the style of writing was Hebrew or Aramaic due to the way Jesus life and ministry was narrated. Although the author of the gospel was not identified by name in biblical text, but testimony by early  [4]  church fathers, Eusebius and Papias shows that Apostle Matthew wrote the book as an eye witness to major events during the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth. The gospel of Mark was action parked fast moving narration written by John Mark an associate of Peter, companion of Paul and Barnabas.  [5]  According to Papias, Mark derived his content from his association with Peter, he was Peter interpreter and wrote as many things he can remembered as Peter relate to him. He tailored his gospel for his Romans listeners who are not religious, who have respect for authority but love action. He portrayed Jesus as a miracle worker; one who could control wind and storm, whom demons trembled at his sight and heal all manner of sicknesses and diseases, but despite this power he humbled himself and gave his life as a ransom, teaching that people who are truly great are servant, that anyone that wants to be great must be a servant first. The author of the gospel of  [6]  Luke was a physician, astute writer, theologian and historian whose book was directed to the Greek believer. The book of Luke is the first of its two books addressed to a man called Theophilus a gentile believer (LK 1:3, Act 1:1). He was a Gentile convert, the only non Jewish author of a bible book. Besides his medical knowledge which he shows frequently when he used medical terms to describe sicknesses for example a man suffering from dropsy (LK 14:2). The author of the fourth gospel was  [7]  John the son of Zebedee one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus, he writes as the disciples whom Jesus loved (Jn. 13: 23-24, 20: 2-9, 21:2-24), hence claims to be an eye witness of Jesus ministry, and recorded much of Jesus ministry in Judea and Jerusalem. Purpose of the Canonical Gospels Matthew wrote to convinced Jewish Christians that Jesus roots is from the lineage of Abraham and descendants of David (Matt 1:1-17). Also too assured the Jews that Jesus was the son of God, awaited messiah has foretold by the Old Testament prophet (Ish. 7:14).  [8]  Matthew also shows to the Jews that Christ came to establish a spiritual kingdom not a political one, which will be followed by a physical kingdom at the end of the age. The book of Matthew is not complete without his explanation on great commission (Matt 28:19). Marks writes to persecuted  [9]  Romans Christian presenting Jesus as the Son of God (Mk 1:1), a suffering servant of God, also too encouraged Romans believers to suffered faithfully for the gospel as he placed before them the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ their Lord and saviour. Luke wrote to the  [10]  Greek Christian and the most comprehensive of the synoptic gospel, he provide full details of all that Jesus the human saviour had done, teach until the day he was taken up to heaven (LK 1:3-4). He traced Jesus human genealogy back to Adam (LK 3:23-38), not just to Abraham as did Matthew (Matt 1:1-17). In Luke we see Jesus as divine saviour (Lk. 1:47, 2:11) who provides salvation for all men irrespective of their nationality. Johns purpose was to reveal the  [11]  deity of Jesus Christ that he is indeed the Son of God who in obedience to the father took on the nature of man (Jn. 1:1), and those who believed in him receive eternal life (John 20:31). He wrote to refute false teachings of the  [12]  Gnostics who goes about denying the humanity: (the word became flesh, Jn. 1:14) and death of Jesus Christ: (Jesus death and resurrection, Jn. 19, 20:1-28). Focus of the Gospels Matthew  [13]  focus on Jesus, the King of Israel who fulfilled Old Testament laws and messianic prophecy (Ish. 7:13), from conception (Matt 1:22-23), to his residence in Nazareth (Matt 2:23), his Galilean ministry (Matt 4:14-chs 18), teachings about the end time (eschatology), triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He arranged Jesus teachings about the kingdom into; ethics-sermon on the mount (Matt 5:1-7:29); missionary (Matt 9:35-11:1); parables about the kingdom (Matt 13:1-52); discipleship (Matt 18:1-35) and lastly on Olivet discourse about the end of the age (Matt 23:1-25:46). He portrayed Jesus as the promised King, who came to inaugurate kingdom of heaven which is not political but spiritual. In a fast  [14]  catchy action, Mark focuses primarily on Jesus mighty miracles, his authority over sicknesses and demons as signs that the kingdom of Gods is at hand. He also portrayed Jesus as Gods servant. It was at Caesarea Philippi, Jesus identity was fully disclosed to his disciples as the Christ, and his prediction about his death and resurrection (Mk 8:31) which shows his divine foreknowledge; making references to cost of discipleship (Mk 8:34-38, 9:1-10) and lastly on Passion Week in (Mk 11-16). Luke is the most comprehensive of the synoptic gospel, focusing on Jesus lineage from pre birth to ascension, his  [15]  Galilean ministry in LK 4:14-9:50, final journey to Jerusalem in LK 9:51-19:27 and his last week called passion week in LK 19:28-24:53. The main focus of Luke is on Jesus teachings and parables during his ministry, expressing universal hope that Jesus came for both Jews and gentiles, his emphasis on prayer, on the move and work of the Holy Spirit, starting from the filling of John the Baptist from his mother womb; to the miraculously birth of the son of God (LK 1:35), to Jesus spirit baptism in (LK 4:14); and clothing of disciples with power from on high (LK 24:49). John focuses much more on the discourses of Christ as Gods incarnate Son. The  [16]  book of John have two divisions the first division (Jn. 1-12), he explain with evidences Jesus incarnation with: seven signs (miracles), seven teachings (Jesus used to disclose his identity), and seven à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I amà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  statements (by which Jesus revealed figuratively what he is to human race) with his bodily resurrection as proof of his claim as Christ, the Son of God. The second division John focuses on Jesus relationship with his disciples (Jn. 13-21), the ministry of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14-16), the last supper (Jn. 13), Jesus final prayer for believers (Jn. 17), finally his death and resurrection (Jn. 20-21). Relation of the Gospels The four gospel writers write to people of different background and needs. Each under the influence and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit write about the life and teaching of Jesus Christ according to audiences whom they were writing to. Other teaching was omitted purposely, for example Mark mentions women not divorcing their husbands to his Romans audience (Mk 10; 12), Matthew did not mention this since Jewish law did not permit a woman to divorce her husband. Matthew and Luke  [17]  write from Mark while John copied from no one. Altogether Matthew, Mark and Luke record eighty-three events of the same account only twenty four of this are  [18]  found in all the four gospels, with forty- one accounts unique to Johns Gospel, fifty-two to Luke, Matthew with twenty à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬seven unique accounts, while Mark has two. John has no record of Jesus parables. Matthew recorded eighteen parables of Jesus, Luke nineteen while Mark has four. Conclusion Each of the Gospels writers presents the same gospel under the leading of the Holy Spirit too meet specific need in the body of Christ. I believe the focus of each of the writer matured the church of Christ over time, keep the church focus in the right perspective.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Determination and Instinct in the Brothers Grimms Cinderella Essay

As children, most of our life lessons are acquired through the simplicity of fairy tales. Subliminal messages taught us to always believe in true love and in the eternal victory of good over evil. This is the case in the Brothers Grimm’s â€Å"Cinderella†, a popular fairy tale embodying a classic folk tale myth-element of unjust oppression followed by triumphant reward, where true love conquers all and eventually sets the world right. Cinderella is a fallen princess who finally meets with tough reality, bearing headstrong grit and perseverance. She proves that by entrusting one’s self and instincts, one can then achieve anything they put their minds to. She demonstrates such boldness when dealing with her step-family, sorting out the good lentils from the bad, and finally when making a sudden and unexpected appearance at the ball. At the very beginning of â€Å"Cinderella†, written by the Brothers Grimm, the narrator clearly states that the central character’s name is only descriptive instead of being a proper name. â€Å"And as on that account she always looked dusty and dirty, they called her Cinderella† (70). This allows us, the readers, to identify with the protagonist. Abandoned by her father and enslaved by her stepmother, Cinderella proves that kindness will get a person farther in life than hatred ever can. Cinderella manages to overcome her obstacles with the help of her animal friends. These creatures of nature surround Cinderella because she is kind and loving, while the only animal that would even approach the evil stepmother and stepdaughters was their angry spoiled cat. Nevertheless, Cinderella still deals with them with nothing but patience and virtue. She is always the better person and never stoops down to their level. ... ...balls, knowing that her step sisters were literally dying to be in her shoes. By keeping to herself and trusting her instincts, Cinderella winds up marrying the Prince and living happily ever after. Cinderella differs from other princesses in any other fairy tale. She can be portrayed as a heroine in the eyes of the young, as well as the old, which is what makes her such a great and unique character. Cinderella overcomes numerous barriers, never accepting defeat and is kind to all, even those who do not reciprocate her goodness. She deals with her evil stepmother and stepsisters in the best behaviour, and in the end, she is able to obtain what she had worked so hard to achieve. For all these reasons little girls as well as grown women alike can relate to Cinderella in their hardships and can draw power and trust in their own selves from her inspirational tale.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Women in the Military :: Women in Military Essays

Men and women live in society jointly. According to the U.S. Constitution, all men are created equal, and thus includes women. Although everyone is considered equal, history of women in the military proves different. Many contributions have been given to the military by women for hundreds of years. 'Women's struggle for a place in the armed forces has been about seeking the full rights and responsibilities of citizenship' They have earned the right to the recruiting poster?s promise and challenge: 'Be All You Can Be'" Major General Jeanne Holm, USAF(Ret.) (Women 4 Mar 1998). Although the Military standards have been set, equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, or religion, "glass ceilings" are still in effect in the military. According to the Active Duty Military Personnel by Grade/Rank and Gender 1997 and 1995 chart, women are still stopped by a "glass ceiling". At the grade of O-10 from both 1997 and 1995, zero women had achieved this status. At O-9, two women and at O-8, three women respectively. For total officers in 1997 only 13.53% were women and total enlisted only 13.71% were women(Glass 4 Mar 1998). These facts and figures show the difficulty that women have had in breaking through the "glass ceiling" even today when women have proven themselves to be competent and successful. Women have served in the military for hundreds of years. The "official" history of the United States military begins in the 20th century with the establishment of the Army Nurse Corps in 1901 (American 4 Mar 1998). These women worked hard and dedicated to the troops and their country. They cared for the sick and wounded, identified and buried the dead, cooked, sewed, and laundered(American 4 Mar 1998). Although these women worked diligently and were dedicated, they were considered officially invisible and only earned half rations and earned the name Camp Followers(American 4 Mar 1998). Tending to the sick was considered woman?s work. Until 1901, they were civilian volunteers or contract workers who had no rank and received no benefits(American 4 Mar 1998). A bill was written by Dr. McGee to establish a permanent Nurse Corps of June 20, Congress passed this bill in 1901(American 4 Mar 1998). The United States Navy Nurse Corps was established on May 13,1908. At that time, no provisions had been made for rank and rating compensation equal to the Navy?s personnel(Women WWI 26 May 1999). In 1913 Navy nurses began serving on ships aboard the USS Mayflower and the USS Dolphin(American 26May 1999).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Machiavelli’s Ideas

Question: Two Word Count: 1000 Karl Marx and Niccolo Machiavelli are interested in two completely different forms of government. Yet both philosophers share many of the same key terms. They both understand the power and importance of deceit, and how it is gained. They also are equally opinionated when it comes to the subject of property and money. This essay will seek to explain, compare, and contrast Machiavelli’s ideas on power with Karl Marx’s ideas on Money. Marx believes that money has a misused transformative power in Bourgeois society, one which he argues, that we are currently subjected to.He claims that, â€Å"Money is the pimp between man’s need and the object, between his life and his means of life. But that which mediates my life for me, also mediates the existence of other people for me. † (page 136 Economic And Philosophic Manuscripts) Here he is saying that in this peculiar political economy, money is the only universal means of actualizing the needs and means of life for man. Money is so eminent and necessary that it not only mediates if or when your needs are meant, but it influences the way you see others and the way others see you.Marx goes on to say, â€Å"That which is for me through the medium of money-that for which I can pay†¦-that am I, the possessor of the money. † (page 137 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) Basically money has the unnatural effect of creating an authentic mirage of someone through its buying power. Marx goes on to list ways in which money can nullify natural deficiencies of a certain person, and thus contrary to human nature. Throughout the rest of the passage, [The Power of Money in Bourgeois Society], Marx cites similar examples that all lead to the conclusion that money â€Å"is the general confounding and compounding of all things. (page 140 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) That is to say, the ability of money to act on â€Å"all natural and human qualities† in two incompatible ways, that is compounding and confounding, is a bad things. It causes friction and complacency at the same time, which is unnatural. Marx wishes to rid us of the use of money and its effects in a Bourgeois Society because it is wholly unnatural, deceitful, and allows people to have disingenuous characteristics. Niccolo Machiavelli knows the importance of deceit to the ruling class too.Machiavelli says â€Å"It is not essential, then, that a Prince should have all the good qualities which I have enumerated above, but it is most essential that he should seem to have them,† (page 46 The Prince) because â€Å"men in general judge rather by the eye than the hand. † (page 47 The Prince) To Marx, money allows this type of transformative deception; however, to Machiavelli this ability seems to be more of a character trait. Machiavelli says this can be achieved by appearing to be the â€Å"embodiment of mercy, good faith, integrity, humanity, and religion. (page 47 The Prince) The first four characteristics, he says are the least important when compared to the last. Appearing religious is achievable by being complacent to the Catholic Church and wearing the â€Å"cloak of religion†, according to Machiavelli. This â€Å"cloak of religion† allows â€Å"pious cruelty†, and with his cloak a prince appears justified in his actions, no matter how cruel. (page 59 The Prince). Marx also knows the power of religion to quell the lower class, as the cliche goes, â€Å"Religion is the opium of the people. (Lecture Notes 3/6/13) Religion keeps the poor pacified because they are living for a better afterlife. They are also willing to blindly follow religious/political leaders in order not to obscure these chances. Both philosophers understand that money and religion can be deceptive. Machiavelli wishes to utilize this power in accord with dishonest characteristics to keep his subjects pacified. Marx wishes to point out this m ost unnatural power and free the Proletariat from its grasp.Niccolo Machiavelli also understands the power of money, when it comes to the conservation of power. Both political philosophers agree that the best government should not be rapacious. This perceived agreement is actually in stark contrast. Machiavelli believes that a prince should not, â€Å"burden his subjects with extraordinary taxes, and to resort to confiscations and all the other shifts whereby money is raised†, (page 41 The Prince) because rapacity â€Å"breeds hate as well as ignominy. (page 42 The Prince) To avoid this type of public condemnation Machiavelli proposes that a prince should be surreptitiously miserly and avoid â€Å"interfering with the property†¦ of his subjects, than in any other way. † (page 47 The Prince) Machiavelli is saying that the less a prince interferes with his subject’s money and property, the more likely his reign will succeed. As I have said, Karl Marx disagre es with Machiavelli’s ideas on what the best government should be restrictive of. In the first two measures of the Manifesto of theCommunist Party Frederick Engels and Marx state that one, â€Å"Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes†, and two, â€Å"A heavy progressive or graduated income tax†, (page 230 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) are key for a successful revolution of the Proletariat. These measures, along with the other eights purpose, is to rid society of class distinction. Marx wishes to rid society of private property, under the Bourgeoisie’s power, because it is the product of â€Å"class antagonism,† and the â€Å"realization† of â€Å"alienated labor† by an â€Å"alienated man. (page 81 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) The heavy progressive taxes would work to equalize all income. These measures set out by Marx may seem clutching, but they are only meant to restr ict the power of the Bourgeoisie. Marx’s perfect form of government would allow workers to keep the product of their labor, that is â€Å"the objectification of [their] labor†, instead of it being appropriated by the Bourgeoisie, which ultimately leads to the alienation of the laborer from the world, himself, and fellow man. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts pages 71-72) So Marx’s communism is rapacious, but only in the interest of preventing unjust rapacity by the Bourgeoisie. Marx’s measures are in obvious conflict with Machiavelli because of the two philosopher’s preference and understanding of government. Machiavelli wishes to appease his subjects to a certain extent, whereas, Marx wants the subjugated proletariat to become a public power without political character. But they both do not want anybody grabbing, what they respectively perceive, as someone else’s.They also understand the power and importance of deceit, although they have somewhat different ideas on how it is achieved. Machiavelli and Marx comparatively are on the opposite side of the coin. Marx represents the suppressed proletariat and wishes to free them. Machiavelli is advising Princes on how to pacify his subjects. These differences are irreconcilable, but hopefully this paper has clearly explained each philosopher’s arguments and given a better idea of how they might be compared.

Mellon Strategic Analysis

Strategic Mangement model Mellon 1)The about historic general environmental factors for Mellon argon a. Economics Mellon specializes in managing ac familys finance, there for it is very(prenominal) important for the economy to prosper in come in for Mellon to retain clients and perform their specialization. b. Political/ sub judice Since Mellon operates taboo of the U. S and Canada, it is very important that laws and regulations argon exercised to avoid conflict. There is a great deal of regulations associated with the finance and banking fabrication. c.Global Segments It is very important that the Canadian marketplace performs tumefy because Mellon has a peg venture with CIBC who operates out of Canada. 2)The most important of the five indus effort forces atomic number 18 a. Threat of substitute products Mellon and CIBC carry a very unique operate by combining twain familys specialization, they are able to volunteer a star of a kind service for hulky firms. Ther efore it is very hard for companies to occur other superior service compared to Mellons. b. aspiration among competing firms Mellon and CIBC has a huge market look at in this line of pecuniary service.Mellon and CIBC conjure the trump out services in its sector while also killering the best customer service. The exceptional service feature with their long portfolio in allows them to have the competitive receipts eliminating any rivalries. c. The industry is non enchanting to new entrants 3)The two major(ip)(ip) competitors are UBS AG and Bank of Montreal. UBS AG is another(prenominal) financial services company that operates worldwide. I predict that this company will share much than of their services to the U. S and Canada to postulate with CIBC Mellon.Bank of Montreal offers banking services, they have a huge carriage in Canada and also has localisations in the U. S. I predict that they will create a joint venture with a financial service company such as UBS A G to compete with CIBC Mellon. Like CIBC Mellon. 4)The most important harbor chains are a. Human Resources CIBC and Mellon twain possess a unique set of k at a timeledge and skills. knowledge and skills are transferred from one to the other by doing this they are able to deliver their services. b.Finance ICBS Mellon is a financial service provider, they not integrally service other firms but it is crucial they manage their own finance puff up in recite to expand and finance future projects. c. Follow-up service The company is all service base, in order for them to retain clients they must follow inflexible follow-up services and maintain a dependable CRM system. d. I believe the future(a) value chains are objective compared to their competitors. Each of the competitors possess equivalent value chains, ICBS Mellon has the competitor advantage receivable to their location of operation and clientele. )The important ratios for the company are Return on Assets, Return on Equi ty, Leverage Ratio, equity-to-loans, total capital. Was not able to find real ratio numbers for Mellon. 6)SWOT a. Strength carry handsome market shares, strong kind capital, good synergy through JV, large presence both in Canada and U. S, acquisitions of major banks, strong financial availability. b. Weakness otiose to ensure sparing conditions, difference in laws and regulation. c. Opportunity Global magnification, acquire more industry competitions. . Threats global economy, other major banking and financial service institutions. 6&7) ICBC Mellon major advantages are their large presence in both the U. S and Canada. By acquiring many of the large players in the industry, they are able to reduce competition and stick in business despite the economic conditions. One of their greatest weaknesses is the uncontrollable economy. They are unable to control where the industry is steer it could slow now new acquisitions and expansion into other global segments.They are expensiv e because they are able to neutralize their threats by acquisitions, they are Rare because they are offer both financial and banking services, they are not easy to imitate nor substitutable due to their excellence in servicing and market control. 8)Business level Focus strategy, Corporate come across Moderate Level of Diversification w/ related constraints, International Level multinational Strategy. The above analogy fits because they operate both in the U. S and Canada, they utilize both the companies specialization to services their customers. The company offers a diversified selection of services, using all heir resources together to provide their services. 9)The firms problem is the downturn of the economics, they awe of not being able to control the outcome of it and that it may affect the joint venture relationship. They face many guess such as credit risk, useable risk, and market risk. Their main concern is the quiet of mind of current customers and the ability t o cod new customers under the circumstances. In this situation, they do not much control. The main focus on should be to maintain the current customers. I believe they would take up to more risk by obtaining new accounts.They should try and balance the risk between the U. S economic and CAN. During this time, I believe they should til now leave the markets that is creating most risk for them and counselling on what is safest. They need to implement Strategy to stay competitive in the market. By focusing on Strategy, they will delay strong while the other companies take the damage from the economic downturn. 10) a) Should ICBC Mellon focus more of their business in Canada due to their burst economy? b) Would ICBC be better off if they had broke off the Joint move when times got tough as it is now?